A machine malfunctioned, and the company Eqpack lost 300,000 kronor in two weeks.
– Då var det panik. Men att maskinen gick sönder är det bästa som hänt företaget, säger vd Johan Tjernell.
The confusion and vulnerability became an awakening.
After the breakdown, the company has established preparedness to handle production stoppages. The staff has gained broader knowledge about more aspects of the business and feels more involved.
Johan Tjernell kallar det intressestyrd kontinuitetshantering.
There's an interesting dynamic when the power comes from below. We have a feedback culture completely devoid of prestige. What I might be disappointed about is that we didn't start this earlier; it has made my life easier.
By: Per Larsson
Read the article in its entirety:
Collected from: https://www.tjugofyra7.se/amnesomraden/forebyggande/2023/dyrbart-haveri-det-basta-som-hant/?fbclid=IwAR3e2oz8rNBfBoMYyluv0Zt_lht90-poOraPu7RsooU0l2Kt_Va7urhh4Ns